'I thank God that mother and baby are both healthy'

Razia is a member of a Freedom Challenge-sponsored pregnancy care training group in Western Asia. Each week she has been learning all about pregnancy and birth, but she never expected to be putting her training to use so quickly and so dramatically

‘My sister’s labor pains started on a day when there was a demonstration in the city over the fighting in a nearby area. Because of this, it was difficult to find a car, but eventually we did, and we started the journey to the hospital.

Road blocked

‘I took all the clean things which I had prepared for my sister. On the way to the hospital we had many problems because the road was blocked and there was lots of police and army security.

‘On the way, my sister’s labor pain increased. The driver stopped the car and got out and my sister lay down on the seat of the car. I used the clean things I had prepared for the delivery and the baby was born.

Cutting the cord

‘I remembered how I should help mother and the baby. I dried the baby, cleaned baby’s mouth and nose with separate cloths and then I cut the umbilical cord. After 30 minutes we carried on to the hospital. 

‘When we reached the doctor, he looked at the baby and said, “I cannot believe that you could do this delivery. Where did you learn this?”  I said, “I learned from the training lessons in my group.” 

So thankful

I thank God that the mother and baby are both healthy and that there were not any problems. I am very glad that I could help my sister in this emergency and for all that I learnt. I want to thank those who prepared the lessons for my group.’

Razia’s story demonstrates just how much of an impact your support for Freedom Challenge projects around the world has. Thank you!

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