10 reasons to join our Wyoming Challenge

So maybe you’ve heard about The Freedom Challenge event in Wyoming this July but you’ve still not signed up. Well, let us tell you what you’ll be missing out on if you don’t come! We have 10 brilliant reasons why you should sign up today.

1. For stunning views

Wyoming is a State full of natural beauty and it’s one of the least populated States in the US.

Jackson Hole is encompassed on all sides by mountain barriers. The hole - or valley - is 48 miles long and six to eight miles wide. It’s famed for its wildlife; you can watch elk, deer, and many other small mammals and birds while you trek.

Sign up here.

2. You will be changing lives

The Freedom Challenge exists to bring freedom to the 24 million oppressed and enslaved women and children around the world. Read this story from one of the projects we support in Mexico – your support will mean that more women like Jazmin can be set on a path to freedom.

3. It’s an opportunity to go deeper with God

We are all so busy sometimes that taking time out to draw near to God, to hear him speak, is something we find hard to fit in. So this is such a perfect way to invest in your spiritual life; time away from our usual routine is so needed but not something we are always good at prioritising.

Watch Cathey Anderson (the late Freedom Challenge founder) talk about the ways God meets with people as they take part in these climbs:

4. You don’t need to be super fit!

All levels of fitness and experience welcome. There are gentle strolls or demanding hikes, you choose how much you want to do and how much you want to push yourself. And if you prefer two wheels to two legs you have the option of biking along the trails too.

5. We can help you fundraise

Don’t let the thought of fundraising for our projects put you off. You won’t be on your own. We have lots of ideas to share with you. Many women have been in exactly the same place as you before and they have been amazed at the way God has provided the finances. Once you sign up to Wyoming, you can join our Facebook group and get advice from seasoned climbers on the most effective way to fundraise. Or get your friends and family on board – invite them along, fundraise together and you’ll find you’ve reached your target in no time.

6. Creating memories

We are certain that your time hiking on a Freedom Challenge event will be a lifelong memory. You will have a great sense of purpose as you walk, and an even greater sense of achievement at the end. And if a friend or family member comes too you will have so many beautiful shared memories that you can look back on for years to come.

7. Stepping outside of your comfort zone

When we take risks for God, we can be sure that he will equip us to do what he’s called us to do. It’s good to test our limits and learn what we’re truly capable of and this only happens when we leave our comfort zones behind.

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson

8. Connecting with other passionate women

We can guarantee that you will meet some amazing women on our climbs. You will have quality time to share your hearts or just quietly enjoy the peaceful surroundings together. It really is a bonding experience and we hope you will form some lifelong friendships as a result.

9. Watch a previous climber share her experience

Abby recently climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania with a Freedom Challenge team. Watch her video diary to find out what it’s really like to take part in one of our events.


10. Lastly, let this quote inspire you:

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Nelson Mandela

You can sign up and find more info here.


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