On December 22, 2015, Cathey Anderson, beloved friend and founder of The Freedom Challenge, passed away. In her honor, we created the Cathey Anderson Scholarship Fund. Cathey loved women and enjoyed seeing the inner transformation in them as they gave to their sisterhood throughout the world. We are grateful to keep her legacy alive through this scholarship fund.

My entire family desires to keep my mom’s memory, legacy, and heart alive. We pray that this fund motivates women to participate. We pray that whoever receives assistance would be encouraged to step out in faith and work hard to raise awareness about modern-day slavery. We also pray that they would receive freedom in areas of their lives where they have been in bondage.

Ultimately my mom wanted every man, woman, and child to understand that Jesus is the Lover of their soul and came to bring salvation, redemption, and freedom to this world.
— Callie Carson, daughter of Cathey Anderson

The Cathey Anderson Memorial Fund is specifically for women who have a passionate desire to be part of this movement by sharing their own stories, raising support, and helping educate the world on the devastation of human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Women who are experiencing financial hardship can apply for this scholarship and receive a discount for the registration fee to a challenge.